By the time I turned forty I had lived in seven states in the U.S. That is not including moves within the states and out of the country. With my husband we had the privilege of birthing and raising three children, and now we have two grandchildren.
I have enjoyed making images as long as I can remember. As our three children grew so did my involvement in drawing and painting. Taking courses where ever we were. In the early sixties I studied at The Art Institute in San Francisco with Richard Deibencorn, Jack Jefferson,and Bruce McGaw. Before that was assistant to Francois Gilot in the U.S.C summer program in Isomata, Cal. I have maintained a studio and had solo, group and juried shows in the Bay Area ever since.
I have been active in many aspects of making and sharing art: helped found a cooperative galley in Alameda, CA; worked seven months with Judy Chicago on the Dinner Party with colleagues from all over the U.S. and abroad; curated shows; worked through art to raise the consciousness of communities about the conversion of military installations to peaceful use through The Least Tern Project; taught drawing and painting in my studio.
In ’76 I had a Yaddo Fellowship in Saratoga Springs, NY , a teaching assistantship with Francois Gilot and Harry Sternberg in ’77 and another in the next year with Gilot also at USC. ISOMATA. By now I was on my own as a professional artist with a full time studio.
In the early nineties I traveled to India, Russia, England and Ireland. I kept going back to an International community in Southern India where I finally settled in 2006. In 2007 I was informed that I had been included in Connie Smith Siegel’s books “The Spirit of Color” and “The Spirit of Drawing”. My work is also included in several collections in the US and abroad.
I have lived in Auroville in Southern India for over ten years where I maintain an Atelier for the community, facilitate regular workshops to reintroduce people to their own self expression, engage in the wider community of Auroville and pursue my own work of painting, drawing and sculpture, and community art projects. Below are the last ten years of my exhibitions in India and the U.S.